Covid songs

Máme pro Vás další texty písní, které vymysleli naši žáci druhého stupně. Tentokrát si můžete s námi zazpívat anglicky.

We werent many times in school,

we'll go to high school soon,

spring will begin in a few days,

but we are still in strangery phase.

At home it stops being funny,

while outside is that sunny,

we can't go out with friends,

until it all ends.

And all because of Covid,

which hits us like a meteoroid,

maybe it won't be long,

and he won't be so strong.

My world

When I was born,

My fear was gone.

But when I saw the world,

Wanted to fly away like a bird.

Everyone was pessimistic,

That made me realistic.

Don't wanna be like them,

I am the gem.

Now I know,

My life is my own.

I will make you happy,

Even if you feel crappy.

Life in life quarantine

We are under quarantine,

which I've never seen.

Everybody must be home,

wanna talk to me? Phone.

I am watching Netflix,

not doing much athletics.

I am so lazy,

my parents make me crazy.

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